Retirement Village Evacuation
Preparing People For Emergencies
Retired Living Fire Evacuation Awareness
Retirement Village Evacuation Emergency Management Plan
Retirement villages must have an emergency management plan. They must develop this plan outlining the emergency procedures for the site in line with Australian Standards 3745 – 2010. This plan needs customisation for the specific retired living environment and identify arrangements to assist residents with decreased cognitive ability, vision or mobility impairment.
In NSW, these regulations are authorised through the Retirement Villages Act 1999, as amended. Adair Evacuation Consultants are able to tailor programs to comply with state, territory and Commonwealth legislation throughout Australia.
Reviewing Emergency Plans
The operator must review their emergency plan at least every 12 months. We can help you keep compliant and up to date with changes in regulations and your circumstances.
Village or Retired Living Staff should get adequate training in the emergency procedures. In order to maintain awareness and ensure training is kept current, operators should consider providing:
- Emergency procedure training in induction courses for new retirement village workers.
- Refresher training for existing workers.
Evacuation Exercises
Operators must hold an evacuation exercise for retirement village residents at least once each calendar year. This helps to prepare the residents for evacuation if emergency circumstances arise.
Residents Who Need Assistance
The operator should identify residents that need assistance during an emergency Retirement Village Evacuation due to physical or mental impairment. The operator should have this information readily accessible, including in the event that a situation requires fire and rescue services. This information will help first responders tailor their actions to accomodate the most vulnerable people in the facility.
Residents' Participation in Retirement Village Evacuation
Retirement villages are independent living facilities. Consequently, operators have no authority to require residents to participate in annual evacuation exercise. However, operators should seek to actively promote participation as the greater the participation, the greater the preparation the village will have in an emergency.
Key Safety Information
Retirement village operators must provide all residents with the following key safety information for their residential premises:
- A map indicating the location of assembly areas, exits and fire extinguishers
- The location of any other emergency equipment
- Instructions for evacuating residents and staff in a fire or other emergency
This Retirement Village Evacuation information must be clear and easily readable by the majority of residents.
The above information must also be personally tailored for each resident’s circumstances.
It must be on clear display in all the communal areas of the village.
Contact our evacuation consultant team today for your retirement village emergency planning. Download our brochures below for more information.