Which Emergencies Require an Evacuation?

Which Emergencies Require an Evacuation

Knowing when and how to evacuate is key to survival.

Having a well-planned emergency plan is the key to having a safe building or workplace in Australia. This not only involves evacuation training prior to the emergency but also proper education regarding evacuation. There are two vital things to know in any emergency plan regarding evacuation: How to evacuate and when to evacuate.

Emergency Plan: What Types of Emergencies Require an Evacuation

What Types of Emergencies Require an Evacuation?

There are so many things that could go wrong in a workplace with regard to emergencies. The worst thing about this is that no one can really predict when these emergencies or disasters will happen, so it is important to know what emergencies require an evacuation and what to do during one. Evacuation training, especially training given by a reputable Evacuation Training Consultancy will cover these things in detail. Here are some of the emergencies that usually need evacuation:

  • Accidental Fire
  • Bomb Threat
  • Biohazard Spill
  • Chemical Spill
  • Natural Disasters

Let’s examine a brief emergency plan for each scenario.

Accidental Fire Emergency Plan

Fire can happen anywhere. It would only take a small spark to start a fire that could lead to millions in damages and, in the worst case, casualties or deaths.

Upon discovering a fire, the first thing to do in an emergency plan is to raise the alarm. Buildings usually have glass panels that can be broken to signal fire. If no panel is within the vicinity, shout “Fire” repeatedly to raise the alarm.

After raising the alarm to let the people in the building know of the emergency, calling the responders is the next thing to do. Those trained to use fire equipment in the building can also help extinguish the fire if safe to do so.

Meanwhile, the people inside the building should immediately evacuate as instructed by the warden. It is important stay calm and focused and to head directly to the evacuation area. During fire evacuations, make sure to close the doors and windows but never lock them. People should also remember that using lifts during a fire is not recommended even in tall buildings.

Bomb Threat Emergency Plan

This emergency does not often happen in Australia, but that does not mean that it should not be included in evacuation training or emergency training, because bomb threats should be taken seriously. High quality trainers, such as Adair Evacuation Consultants include this kind of information in their training packages.

The most important thing to do in a bomb threat is to keep calm and not cause alarm. If the perpetrator is by the phone and is currently in contact with anyone, the person contacted must try their best to prolong the call and find out as much information as they can such as:

  • The bomb’s location
  • The bomb’s appearance
  • When the explosion is scheduled
  • What message should be passed along.

This information should be recorded and given to the police. Raising the alarm without making the perpetrator panic is important. If possible, phone the security secretly. Do not use communication methods that will alert the perpetrator of the alarm.

Then, the evacuation is needed. Bomb threat procedure manuals should be included in emergency and evacuation training, so employees would know what to do. When deemed safe to do so by the warden, evacuate calmly but quickly.

Biohazard Spill Emergency Plan

Accidents can still occur even if safety protocols are already in place. When radioisotope or biohazards get spilled accidentally, it is crucial to ensure the safety of everyone in the vicinity.

After reporting the incident to those in charge, it is necessary to track those exposed to the biohazard. Treatment should be prioritised, and containment of the biohazard will happen after. At the same time, those inside the building or laboratory should immediately evacuate as instructed during emergency training.

Chemical Spill Emergency Plan

Just like biohazard spills, chemical spills can happen even in safe and secure laboratories. Chemicals can be hard to contain and handle, especially since they can be toxic. Individuals exposed to these chemicals may experience side effects and can even be poisoned, perhaps fatally.

The first thing anyone must do during chemical spills is to raise the alarm and ensure the safety of everyone in the area. It is important to note that no one can enter the area where the toxic chemical spill happened. Everyone should evacuate as soon as possible, and people should report it to the safety officer or warden immediately.

Evacuation should be done quickly. Those in charge should barricade the area immediately to make sure that no one will be able to get in. Every step in the evacuation process is outlined in the evacuation training, so everyone should know where to go and what to do.

Natural Disasters Emergency Plan

Natural disasters happen without warning. Everything might be alright one second, and a big disaster is on its way the next. There are many natural disasters to watch out for, such as earthquakes, severe storms, bushfires, landslides, heatwaves, droughts and even tsunamis.

Some of these happen less than others, and there are some that can only occur in certain areas. However, the common denominator among these natural disasters is that when they strike, they strike hard.

The most important thing to do when disasters happen is to know when to hide for safety and when to start to evacuate. It is also vital for the warden to know what to do and how to direct the people in the building once the disaster occurs.

There are natural disasters where it is safer to wait it out than to run immediately. Determining what type of response to do during natural disasters should be outlined in the emergency training done before the natural disaster.

Get Comprehensive Evacuation Training from our consultants

Get Comprehensive Evacuation Training

Knowing what to do during an emergency is the first step to survival. If you own or manage an Australian building or a company, having consistent emergency training is necessary regardless of the nature of your business – emergencies can happen anytime, so your people should know how to safeguard themselves during these events.

Choose from Adair Evacuation Consultants

Are you looking for a team to help your company prepare for any emergency? Reach out to Adair Evacuation Consultants! Emergency training is a legal obligation for Aussie businesses, and so it must be effective. After all, a business’ sustainability partly hinges upon its ability to keep its employees safe.

Aside from training you for emergencies, Adair Evacuation Consultants will also assist in managing your training schedules, conducting warden training, preparing emergency equipment, and ensuring that your business is compliant with the current Australian Standards.

Find out about the range of our consulting services by calling us on 1300 213 000 or emailing an enquiry by filling out this contact form.

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