What You Need to Know About Evacuation Diagrams

What Is An Evacuation Diagram - Evacuation & Emergency Management - Adair Evacuation Consultants

Evacuations happen more frequently than people think. The need can arise due to a number of circumstances. For example, fires and floods, or the presence of a threat such as an active shooter, or the release of a toxic or noxious substance.

As the amount of time needed to leave the premises can be urgent, evacuation planning become critical to businesses and the safety of their onsite people, such as staff, customers and contractors. That is why you need to have evacuation diagrams.

What is an evacuation diagram?

An evacuation diagram is basically the map to ensure everyone can safely get out of danger when needed. An evacuation diagram is a pictorial representation of how to evacuate a building in case of emergencies. The Australian Standard AS3745:2010 considers this as an essential part of emergency management.

It contains vital information. The list is below.

What Is Included In An Evacuation Diagram
  • Emergency information
  • Manual call points (MCP)/communication equipment
  • Assembly points or areas
  • Fixed and portable firefighting equipment
  • Exit routes and exit lights
  • Emergency procedures
  • Fire control rooms
  • The creation date and validity of the diagram
  • Site name and complete address

Why are evacuation diagrams important?

We see Evacuation diagrams every day. But of course, it is only when we need them that they become vital to be able to comprehend. Just like a flight attendant’s safety demonstration, which people often ignore, evacuation diagrams help save lives as they provide vital information for crucial moments during an emergency evacuation, allowing people to readily determine their location and find the nearest exit point.

What are the requirements in using evacuation diagrams?

Australian Standard AS 3745:2010 sets specific requirements in terms of the design and location of evacuation diagrams. We outline those below. It is the responsibility of the building’s Emergency Planning Committee to determine the placement of the diagrams.

The EPC plays a role in determining the number and location of evacuation diagrams needed. It should consist of at least two members with responsibilities that include developing, implementing, and maintaining the emergency plan in a building or facility.

1. Location

Evacuation diagrams must be on display in locations where visitors and occupants can easily see them. However, you cannot place them in the following places:

  • On entrance doors to hotel rooms or apartments
  • On fire stairs
  • On fire-rated walls and smoke doors

2. Position

Place the evacuation diagram at a position not lower than 1200 mm and not higher than 1600 mm from the floor. It must be visible to persons of all statures, including children, and people using a mobility device, such as a wheelchair or scooter.

3. Orientation

Ensure that the evacuation diagram has the correct orientation with respect to the direction of the exit. The location of the “You are Here” point needs to be accurate as well. The assembly area diagram, if included, should also have the same orientation as the rest of the diagram.

4. Minimum components

Australian Standard AS 3745-2010 specifies the range of components that must be part of the evacuation diagram. This includes designated exits, the location where the diagram is installed, and firefighting equipment.

5. Optional components

Additional information such as other emergency information and equipment, can also be on the diagram. The Emergency Planning Committee will consider this optional information.

6. Dimensions

The evacuation diagram’s minimum size is A4 (approximately 210 mm by 297 mm). The graphic representation of the area or floor should be at least 200 mm by 150 mm (30,000 mm2).

7. Symbols

Australian Standard AS 3745-2010 Appendix E gives examples of symbols that can be in evacuation diagrams. Always remember that Appendix E is an informative appendix. Note, however, that the details in this section are for reference only. You don’t need to followed them to comply with Australian Standard AS 3745-2010.

8. Standardised colour codes

Evacuation maps must have standardised codes in accordance with Australian Standard AS 3745 to delineate specific incidents. The colour code is as follows:

  • Orange: Evacuation
  • Red: Smoke or fire
  • Blue: Medical emergency
  • Yellow: Internal or Infrastructure emergencies
  • Black: Personal threat
  • Brown: External emergency
  • Purple: Bomb threat 
Evacuation Diagram being placed by one of our consultants

Evacuation diagram update frequency

The evacuation diagram needs an update every time there are changes in the building’s layout, system, or firefighting equipment or every five years, whichever comes first. Always check the validity date since this is a requirement in all diagrams.

Installing evacuation diagrams

In some cases, the diagrams are acrylic-based signs or acrylic-based poster frame. Other users prefer to make an aluminium poster frame with an acrylic cover. Either way, you then fix these onto doors using screws, glue, or double-sided tape.

Compliance with the building code of Australia and other standards

Placing diagrams on a smoke or fire door may violate the provisions of the Building Code of Australia. Other relevant Australian Standards like AS 1905.1 may also apply. Testing the installation or seeking expert opinion can help determine how the installation affects the fire or smoke door’s performance.

For instance, the sign’s material or the method of installation may have a negative effect on the door’s integrity and insulation. However, the Fire Protection Association of Australia is not yet aware of any evidence that supports this claim at the time of writing.

What Is Included In An Evacuation Diagram

Training and information dissemination

Once you have installed evacuation diagrams in strategic locations, you need to ensure that the occupants of the building get sufficient training to implement evacuation procedures. Regular evacuation practice drills need to take place at least once annually.

It is important to note that only qualified personnel should conduct and supervise all the training activities. You must provide the training to all occupants at all levels of seniority, veterans and rookies, permanents, temporaries or casuals.

There are quite a number of technicalities when it comes to putting evacuation diagrams on the premises. In order to make sure you comply with all the regulations, it’s best to leave the planning and execution to emergency evacuation planning professionals.

If you need assistance in the provision of evacuation diagrams, Adair Evacuation is here to help. We have over 20 years of experience in providing custom design signage across various industries. For more information or a free quote, call us or send us an email via our contact form.  

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